The first auction we held for the benefit of the on-going relief efforts in Japan was a huge success. We raised over $900 through the sale of a very rare authentic tenkara net.
Inspired by that auction, tenkara angler and owner of TrailLite Designs, Thom Darrah, approached us to do a new auction by donating one of the products he designed, the Ebira rod quiver, as well as a tenkara gear set. The new auction includes all items one would ever need to go fishing - a complete tenkara set:
- Iwana 11ft rod, Series II (147.95)
- Ebira rod quiver (55.00)
- Tenkara Net (85.95)
- Book: Tenkara, Radically Simple, Ultralight Fly Fishing. Dr. Kelleher and Misako Ishimura (Signed by Dr. Kelleher) (19.95)
- 3 flies tied by Dr. Ishigaki (the only fly he actually uses for fishing) (priceless)
- Level line 3.5 (12.35)
- Traditional tenkara line 10.5ft (19.95)
- 2X Line holders (11.95 each)
- Tippet, 5X (7.55)
- Forceps/Nipper set (11.95)
- Fly box (12.35)
- Tenkara tea set (15.00)
100% of the proceeds from these auctions go to relief efforts in Japan.